Source code for doctor.flask

from __future__ import absolute_import

import logging
import os
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

    from flask import current_app, request
    from flask_restful import Resource
    from werkzeug.exceptions import (BadRequest, Conflict, Forbidden,
                                     HTTPException, NotFound, Unauthorized,
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError('You must install flask to use the '
                      'doctor.flask module.')

from .constants import HTTP_METHODS_WITH_JSON_BODY
from .errors import (ForbiddenError, ImmutableError, InvalidValueError,
                     NotFoundError, TypeSystemError, UnauthorizedError)
from .parsers import map_param_names, parse_form_and_query_params
from .response import Response
from .routing import create_routes as doctor_create_routes
from .routing import Route

    'POST': 201,
    'DELETE': 204,

ListOrNone = Union[List, None]

[docs]class SchematicHTTPException(HTTPException): """Schematic specific sub-class of werkzeug's BadRequest. Note that this adds a flask-restful specific data attribute to the class, as the error wouldn't render properly without it. :param description: The error description. :param errors: A dict containing all validation errors during the request. The key is the param name and the value is the error message. """ def __init__(self, description: str=None, errors: dict=None): super(SchematicHTTPException, self).__init__(description) = {'status': self.code, 'message': description} self.errors = errors def __str__(self): return '%d: %s: %s' % (self.code,, self.description)
[docs]class HTTP400Exception(SchematicHTTPException, BadRequest): """Represents a HTTP 400 error. :param description: The error description. :param errors: A dict containing all validation errors during the request. The key is the param name and the value is the error message. """ pass
[docs]class HTTP401Exception(SchematicHTTPException, Unauthorized): pass
[docs]class HTTP403Exception(SchematicHTTPException, Forbidden): pass
[docs]class HTTP404Exception(SchematicHTTPException, NotFound): pass
[docs]class HTTP409Exception(SchematicHTTPException, Conflict): pass
[docs]class HTTP500Exception(SchematicHTTPException, InternalServerError): pass
[docs]def should_raise_response_validation_errors() -> bool: """Returns if the library should raise response validation errors or not. If the environment variable `RAISE_RESPONSE_VALIDATION_ERRORS` is set, it will return True. :returns: True if it should, False otherwise. """ return bool(os.environ.get('RAISE_RESPONSE_VALIDATION_ERRORS', False))
[docs]def handle_http(handler: Resource, args: Tuple, kwargs: Dict, logic: Callable): """Handle a Flask HTTP request :param handler: flask_restful.Resource: An instance of a Flask Restful resource class. :param tuple args: Any positional arguments passed to the wrapper method. :param dict kwargs: Any keyword arguments passed to the wrapper method. :param callable logic: The callable to invoke to actually perform the business logic for this request. """ try: # We are checking mimetype here instead of content_type because # mimetype is just the content-type, where as content_type can # contain encoding, charset, and language information. e.g. # `Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF8` if (request.mimetype == 'application/json' and request.method in HTTP_METHODS_WITH_JSON_BODY): # This is a proper typed JSON request. The parameters will be # encoded into the request body as a JSON blob. if not logic._doctor_req_obj_type: request_params = map_param_names( request.json, logic._doctor_signature.parameters) else: request_params = request.json else: # Try to parse things from normal HTTP parameters request_params = parse_form_and_query_params( request.values, logic._doctor_signature.parameters) params = request_params # Only filter out additional params if a req_obj_type was not specified. if not logic._doctor_req_obj_type: # Filter out any params not part of the logic signature. all_params = logic._doctor_params.all params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k in all_params} params.update(**kwargs) # Check for required params missing = [] for required in logic._doctor_params.required: if required not in params: missing.append(required) if missing: verb = 'are' if len(missing) == 1: verb = 'is' missing = missing[0] error = '{} {} required.'.format(missing, verb) raise InvalidValueError(error) # Validate and coerce parameters to the appropriate types. errors = {} sig = logic._doctor_signature # If a `req_obj_type` was defined for the route, pass all request # params to that type for validation/coercion if logic._doctor_req_obj_type: annotation = logic._doctor_req_obj_type try: # NOTE: We calculate the value before applying native type in # order to support UnionType types which dynamically modifies # the native_type property based on the initialized value. value = annotation(params) params = annotation.native_type(value) except TypeError: logging.exception( 'Error casting and validating params with value `%s`.', params) raise except TypeSystemError as e: errors['__all__'] = e.detail else: for name, value in params.items(): annotation = sig.parameters[name].annotation if annotation.nullable and value is None: continue try: # NOTE: We calculate the value before applying native type # in order to support UnionType types which dynamically # modifies the native_type property based on the initialized # value. value = annotation(value) params[name] = annotation.native_type(value) except TypeSystemError as e: errors[name] = e.detail if errors: raise TypeSystemError(errors, errors=errors) if logic._doctor_req_obj_type: # Pass any positional arguments followed by the coerced request # parameters to the logic function. response = logic(*args, params) else: # Only pass request parameters defined by the logic signature. logic_params = {k: v for k, v in params.items() if k in logic._doctor_params.logic} response = logic(*args, **logic_params) # response validation if sig.return_annotation != sig.empty: return_annotation = sig.return_annotation _response = response if isinstance(response, Response): _response = response.content # Check if our return annotation is a Response that supplied a # type to validate against. If so, use that type for validation # e.g. def logic() -> Response[MyType] if (issubclass(return_annotation, Response) and return_annotation.__args__ is not None): return_annotation = return_annotation.__args__[0] try: return_annotation(_response) except TypeSystemError as e: response_str = str(_response) logging.warning('Response to %s %s does not validate: %s.', request.method, request.path, response_str, exc_info=e) if should_raise_response_validation_errors(): error = ('Response to {method} {path} `{response}` does not' ' validate: {error}'.format( method=request.method, path=request.path, response=response, error=e.detail)) raise TypeSystemError(error) if isinstance(response, Response): status_code = response.status_code if status_code is None: status_code = STATUS_CODE_MAP.get(request.method, 200) return (response.content, status_code, response.headers) return response, STATUS_CODE_MAP.get(request.method, 200) except (InvalidValueError, TypeSystemError) as e: errors = getattr(e, 'errors', None) raise HTTP400Exception(e, errors=errors) except UnauthorizedError as e: raise HTTP401Exception(e) except ForbiddenError as e: raise HTTP403Exception(e) except NotFoundError as e: raise HTTP404Exception(e) except ImmutableError as e: raise HTTP409Exception(e) except Exception as e: # Always re-raise exceptions when DEBUG is enabled for development. if current_app.config.get('DEBUG', False): raise allowed_exceptions = logic._doctor_allowed_exceptions if allowed_exceptions and any(isinstance(e, cls) for cls in allowed_exceptions): raise logging.exception(e) raise HTTP500Exception('Uncaught error in logic function')
[docs]def create_routes(routes: Tuple[Route]) -> List[Tuple[str, Resource]]: """A thin wrapper around create_routes that passes in flask specific values. :param routes: A tuple containing the route and another tuple with all http methods allowed for the route. :returns: A list of tuples containing the route and generated handler. """ return doctor_create_routes( routes, handle_http, default_base_handler_class=Resource)