Source code for doctor.resource

from typing import Callable

from .schema import Schema
from .types import SuperType

#: A mapping of HTTP method to title that should be used for it in
#: API documentation.
    'DELETE': 'Delete',
    'GET': 'Retrieve',
    'POST': 'Create',
    'PUT': 'Update',

[docs]class ResourceSchemaAnnotation(object): """Metadata about the schema used for a given request method. An instance of this class is attached to each handler method in a _schema_annotation attribute. It can be used for introspection about the schemas, to generate things like API documentation and hyper schemas from the code. :param func logic: Logic function which will handle the request. :param str http_method: The HTTP request method for this request (e.g. GET). :param doctor.resource.ResourceSchema schema: The resource schema object for this handler. :param dict request_schema: The schema used to validate the request. :param dict response_schema: The schema used to validate the response. :param str title: A short title for the route. e.g. 'Create Foo' might be used for a POST method on a FooListHandler. """ def __init__(self, logic, http_method, schema, request_schema, response_schema, title=None): self.logic = logic self.http_method = http_method self.schema = schema self.request_schema = request_schema self.response_schema = response_schema self.title = title if title is None: self.title = HTTP_METHOD_TITLES.get(http_method.upper())
[docs] @classmethod def get_annotation(cls, fn): """Find the _schema_annotation attribute for the given function. This will descend through decorators until it finds something that has the attribute. If it doesn't find it anywhere, it will return None. :param func fn: Find the attribute on this function. :returns: an instance of :class:`~doctor.resource.ResourceSchemaAnnotation` or None. """ while fn is not None: if hasattr(fn, '_schema_annotation'): return fn._schema_annotation fn = getattr(fn, 'im_func', fn) closure = getattr(fn, '__closure__', None) fn = closure[0].cell_contents if closure is not None else None
return None
[docs]class ResourceAnnotation(object): """Metadata about the types used for a given request method. :param logic: The logic function for the resource. :param http_method: The http method for this resource. One of `DELETE`, `GET`, `POST` or `PUT`. :param title: The title to be used by the api documentation for this resource. """ def __init__(self, logic: Callable, http_method: str, title: str=None): self.annotated_parameters = { k: p for k, p in logic._doctor_signature.parameters.items() if issubclass(p.annotation, SuperType) } self.http_method = http_method.upper() self.logic = logic self.params = logic._doctor_params self.return_annotation = logic._doctor_signature.return_annotation self.title = title if title is None:
self.title = HTTP_METHOD_TITLES.get(http_method.upper())
[docs]class ResourceSchema(Schema): """ This class extends :class:`~doctor.schema.Schema` with methods for generating HTTP handler functions that automatically parse and validate the request and response objects with a given schema. """ def __init__(self, schema, handle_http=None, raise_response_validation_errors=False, **kwargs): """ :param dict schema: The JSON schema to use for this resource. :param function handle_http: The HTTP handler function that should be used to wrap the logic functions. You would normally pass :func:`doctor.flask.handle_http`. :param bool raise_response_validation_errors: True to raise errors for response validation exceptions, False to just log them and return gracefully. """ super(ResourceSchema, self).__init__(schema, **kwargs) self.handle_http = handle_http self.raise_response_validation_errors = raise_response_validation_errors
[docs] def _create_request_schema(self, params, required): """Create a JSON schema for a request. :param list params: A list of keys specifying which definitions from the base schema should be allowed in the request. :param list required: A subset of the params that the requester must specify in the request. :returns: a JSON schema dict """ # We allow additional properties because the data this will validate # may also include kwargs passed by decorators on the handler method. schema = {'additionalProperties': True, 'definitions': self.resolve('#/definitions'), 'properties': {}, 'required': required or (), 'type': 'object'} for param in params: schema['properties'][param] = { '$ref': '#/definitions/{}'.format(param)}
return schema